Families often assume they must pay the entire tuition price. In fact, many students receive discounts (scholarships) from college.
Customer Journey Mapping: A Deeper Dive into Your Enrollment Pipeline
Creating a customer journey map enables finance teams to think about the enrollment process from the student’s and the parents’ perspectives.
Whose Responsibility Is it Anyway?
The number of accounting and finance students in college has fallen. We need to talk to students about the range of careers available.
Who Is Coaching Your Student Retention Team?
In order to improve student retention and financial health, it is crucial to involve multiple departments within a college institution, including the CFO.
Additional Endowment Spend: Symptom of a Larger Issue?
Many CFOs try to solve budget deficits by taking larger draws on their endowment. This may be a short-term option, but it is not sustainable.
What Does Your Board Need To Know About UPMIFA?
UPMIFA (Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act) guides charitable organizations on investment and endowment decisions.
7 Imperatives to Be a Finance Strategist
Finance is increasingly at the heart of the strategic process. What does it take to be an effective finance strategist?
2024 Predictions for Higher Ed
It’s a new year and time for identifying and planning around the top priorities for colleges and universities for 2024.